Thursday, December 11, 2008


Life is asking "why not?"
Life is sucking at the end of a cigarette as if Life depends on it
Life begins when you burst out of the earth and ends when you sink back in
Life is being lost in the light but knowing that in the dark it would still be equally piercing
Life is about being good. Very very good.
Life is about spiralling into the bottom of the ground and being brought back up by a long ascending escalator
Life is being, knowing, having, wanting,
Life is inherited and spraying through untamed from a bursting bottle-neck
Life is dying at 83 and still have the breath to say "Yes, but, I want more"
Life is being in a crowd and knowing you want to be at the front
Life is finding a pair of eyes across the aisle and have the courage to meet it and say "hey baby"
Life is about saying something when you have something to say
Life is this carriage speeding in excess
Life is lust when you burn it, burn it right through your spine

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