Friday, March 24, 2006

12 Days of My New Job

On the first day of my new job a nice young man come to wash the windows and I am also very impressed with the choice in plunger coffee.

On the second day of my new job I burn a really bad mark on the board room table

On the third day of my new job my computer kicks the bucket and I loose everything I anally saved

On the fourth day of my new job I move to another computer (and then another) along with all my files and mug (that was responsible for the burn mark) and highlighters and start life as a football. Although I wished I was a parallel bar instead - stick thin and groped all the time.

On the fifth day of my new job my new boss decides to buy me a new computer

On the sixth day of my new job I know my computer isn't suppose to arrive so I am ok with that
On the seventh day of my new job I watched the women's marathon and decided it was probably not a good idea that I do one myself

On the eighth day of my new job I go to another meeting and but I think of is orgasms and then I burn another mark on the board room table

On the ninth day of my new job my computer didn't arrive

On the tenth day of my new job my computer still hasn't arrived, but my new boss buys me (us) a custard tart to go with the kick-arse plunger coffee

On the eleventh day of my new job my computer finally finally finally arrives!

On the twelveth day of my new job my new computer is still working, and I think, I better stick around here eh.

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