Three years ago, on the 14th of July 2003, I came to Australia with a 20kg backpack and a doubtful mind. It could be sung out like the My Way kareoke number, or sewn out like the Citizenship Quilt, or just given a rant on m'blog.
This is the second time I've "immigrated", but probably the 20th time I've "migrated". I am from a line of people with boat blood, its natural to have a home that is constantly floating under your feet. Changing your environment is ultimately good for you, I believe this through and through. I appreciate the things that Australia makes me think about, and contribute to my accumulating wisdom. I think most of all its about understanding this landscape and a whole different way of relating to life and the world beyond homes gurt by sea. I've travelled to some amazing corners on this seemlingly endless land. I've seen the good, bad and the pure ugly.
I could have, but have not, taken out PR or citizenship. To be completely honest, and absolutely no offence to my closest aussie friends or my spouse, people here needs to have a good look at themselves here and ask themselves why they have let the Howard government manipulate, murder, cheat and lie to them for ten years and not twitch one bit. Why do they keep tolerating intolerance, ignoring ignorance, turn a blind eye with all this muslim bashing, double standard attitude towards people from other cultures. I simply do not want to be called Australian, yet.
Yet the larrikinism, the laid back black humour just that bit more exaggerated and bit more shamelessness than back home in New Zealand is just that attractive. They are better drinkers, and better fucks. *sorry!!* They have a less serious identity crisis than New Zealand or Taiwan, and certainly don't need to put pride on just one sport... But giiioooorrrd, that annoying accent???
In a nutshell, the Aussie Lingo I've managed to understand are:
- Doona - equivalent of duvet, a thick blanket stuffed with synthetic fibre or cotton or wool or feathers depending on how rich you are (in the ascending order I mentioned)
- Chunder - to spew
- Eski - chilly bin, I think its an unPC reference to the Inuit people
- dacks - track pants. John Howard Dacks are green suit with yellow stripes
- m'ticker - my heart
- A Doris - a parking spot closest to the entrance to a mall (newest addition)
Aussie Lingo I've not got:
- Buckleys/ Buckley's chance: what the?
- Bloody Oath
- The great Australian bite
- Drop bears
Anyway, seriously, its been a fun ride, and its good to not to feel too involved either. I feel lucky that Australia and I are able to embrace each other at a pace we are both comfortable with. I am not sure if I will still be here to see my fifth Canberra winter, I can and will jump ship when prompt, but if I do stay, it would be my pleasure if it will have me. *-)