Monday, July 03, 2006

L's World 2: My first driving lesson

My lovely mate Helen has been waiting forever to put me in the drivers seat and I have been procrastinating forever to avoid it.

But 2 July 2006, aged 26 years, 3 months and two days, just over 11 years from the time I passed my learner's licence test in New Zealand, I am behind the wheel. Earlier in the week the cheesiest smile I've had in years was firmly implanted into a piece of green plastic, and I am licenced (again). Herrahhh. I know its lame but I just can't help but pulling it out of my wallet at parties.

2pm came and I had to seriously kiss templeton goodbye properly before we left the house just in case its the last time I'll ever see him and the cats ever again... I was prepared to reck the shit out of Helen's car either by underestimating myself or over estimating myself.

The first time the car moved all happend too quickly for me. We were in a driveway of a factory (closed on sunday ofcourse) and there were two walls on either side which looked like they were running into me rather than the other way round. My shyness and brashness collided between my feet and the pedals. What the hell am I suppose to do? I press to light and the car doesn't move, and I press to hard it gets grumpy and as if it would shoot out of the driveway 200 Ks an hour... Stalling the car is like having a pretty violent hickup and I was told promptly that it would be a fact of life for the next few months. And what the fuck is with the crazy handbreaks - its like having too many veto powers in a democracy. Hearing my heart pound and my own fast panting while being completely stationary reminded me of the last time I was in an operating theatre on local anasthetics - using up fat stores without moving an inch. Finally upgrading from the laneway to the open road was a mixture of feeling daunted yet eager. Not sure if its an Asian thing or not but keeping to the left is actually quite difficult... and crossing paths with another L driver was a bit of hoot - neither of us were mentally or physically capable of acknowledging one another with eye contact or a friendly jesture to say "hey man, we rock."

It was like losing my religion. Full of uncertainty, letting go of the comforts I knew all my life up till today, grasping that bit of courage, forgetting the shame. So assuring, liberating, bursting through. Not ever going back.


Anonymous said...

Hey Patti
Very excited for you learning to drive! It brings back memories for me - I only got my restricted last October, and looking back now I can't believe i was so unco in the first couple of months. Every lesson involved me trying to drive around Kilbirnie and the airport, then some other car freaking me out (usually a taxi)then me winding down the window and yelling "F*ck off! I'm a f*cking learner!" Then jacky ripping the little yellow and black 'L' off the windscreen and waving it the other car while pulling the fingers... good times.
Good luck anyway! Before you know it you'll wonder how you were ever so retarded at driving...
When are you visiting wellington again?
love jane : )

Br3nda of said...

go girrrrl!!

gees.. i'll be 27 in a couple weeks and i aint even go my learners.

WaWa said...

aaaahh... hello you two!

Flattie Jane from PWC? where the fuck have you been you #$%^* Neh just kidding - nice to hear from you i'll drop you a line. Yeah we'll compare notes when im in wgtn next - maybe just after xmas?

B - i love the way that you always make me feel better ;-P lol + any suggestions on what ipod I should get and how much i should not pay for it?

yeah i must say I've been feeling like I'm moving in a car non-stop since sunday. will be getting fingerless gloves cos a) I'm a cold freak and its Canberra b)so I can shove it up who-ever's arse in a burst of road rage - eeee haaa!

Anonymous said...

i've got an ipod nano, and i like it.

get the white one, then you can accessorise with every coloured case ever made.

they come in 1G, 2G, and 4G.

they're so hip, they'll be out of fashion in 3 months :-) and then second hands will be cheap.

Anonymous said...

that was me!!!!

WaWa said...

hmmm. thanks, is ebay trustworthy for a second hand? maybe try trade and exchange eh.

WaWa said...

so huh Brenda, this blog has become the you and me chat room. *sighhh*

Br3nda of said...

got that mp3 player yet?