Thursday, July 13, 2006

GRIPE!!! #2

What absolutely fucks me off on a Thursday morning is:

a) The cat (Shiner, I know its him) has confused the kitty litter and my fucking wardrobe, and pissed all over the pants I want to wear to work today

b) The FUCKING bus breaks down and you stand at the freezing bus stop (Canberra is a fine minus 5 degrees today) for 20 minutes, decide to get the next bus and have a coffee instead, and the bloody cafe is understaffed and they bring you the coffee 15 minutes after you order it, you have 2 more minutes to get back to the bus stop for the next bus, so you gulp down the coffee and BURN yourself

c) My bladder infection has decided to come back, great, now I'M the cat!!!



WaWa said...

SERIOUSLY I AM NOT HAVING A GOOD WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Br3nda of said...

arohanui buddy.

WaWa said...

Friday Update:
a) Boyfriend's lovely mum is visiting and offered to wash pants for me, after all it was her cat...
b) Bus arrived in one piece this morning, and I remind myself constantly that I will be DRIVING them out of business in 6 months time by being a P plater... woo hoo
c) Been to the docs - should have seen his amused expression as I described my sufferings. Pumped full of antibiotics and cranberry juice and is now a happy chicken.
d) About bloody time the weekend is here!!

Br3nda of said...

what is your email added these days?

fsa bounces.

Anonymous said...

Hiya!!! I need your email address so I can update you with my confusing life. Though I am still slightly too poor to afford a porche, I am now the proud owner of an unregistered (yet) Honda civic coupe. It's still sporty and cute... Now I just have to get used to driving on the other side of the road!

Br3nda of said...

email me!! or i'll have to call your mother and get the address from her!
