Thursday, May 10, 2007

8th May 2007: An Epilogue from Marrakesch

Once upon a time there was a pink glossed oasis city in Morocco which lied in the middle of the desert. The market place buzzed with food vendors, snake charmers, vailed henna artists, donkey carts, stray cats, tooth pullers, entertainers and fortune tellers. The only time it stood still was the eery call to prayer tha rang the dusty air.

A beautiful glass terrace overlooked the market place and there lived a young princess. She spent her day in her lush rooftop garden filled with reclining vines and blooming birght flowers, watching the chaos and order unfold beneath her.

One day, an incredibly beautiful bird arrived on a branch top in her garden. It was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen. His feathers were purple and dusted with gold, and his crown was an emerald green. He sang like a chime in the summer breeze.

Quite taken by this beautiful creature, the Princess had her servants place him in an equally beautiful cage, which was engraved with curles and shapes fit for the most royal, and encased with jewels Berber tradesmen would bring back from afar.

Captured, the bird struggled inside the cage trying to spread his wings. But soon he sank into a sadness and silence so dark and mournful that a grown man would weep. He would not eat the preciously collected food that the Princess prepared for him.

Disenchanted without the birds glorious music, the Princess also became silent and sank deep into sorrow.

A fortune teller came by the terrace and was asked in to help the royal household.

"An anchored ship will not sail; a captured bird will not sing." She said simply, shaking her head and went away.

The next day the young princess took the bird in the cage on a camel's back and set off for the high mountains. At the foot of the rolling hills next to a bursting streatm, she unlocked the door of the bird cage. The beautiful bird emerged from the shackles of his confinement to find nature at his sight.

He flew away lightly without hesitation, singing his favourite song, and disappeared behind the snowy hills. The princess watched him go. She smiled and waved.

The bird took her heart with him that day, but she realised that it too shall now always be free.

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