Monday, November 05, 2007

Rally in Taipei - Gumbade Taiwan

Aunt Jean, my sister and I went to this huge UN for Taiwan rally/concert in Taipei on Saturday - marking the end of a successful round-the island marathon type thing trying to get around 3 million signatures on the petition to hold the UN for Taiwan referendum in March 2008. The atmosphere was superb and music was really fun, but the great speeches by President Ah-Bian and Frank Hsieh (DPP Presidential Candidate) was the cream on the icing. And hello stardom - the three of us got on TV a few times head banging to the rap (can you believe that this guy is the Minister of the Government Information Office??) what a blast, though Cindy and I had to make sure Aunt Jean didn't have a heart attack, she was pretty wild. Unfortunately camera played up so borrowed a few pics from for the moment.

A-Gong is out of hospital and doing really well. He can pretty much do all the daily things by himself now and eating well. So I'm heading back to NZ via Australia (for sure this time) early Wednesday morning. Its hard to leave when there's so much excitement going on here, but unemployment and lack of green space & alcohol is catching up on me, so going home to regroup is the best plan for now.

1 comment:

KatFish said...

Hi Patti. We'll have to come and visit you in Hamilton soon! Are you going to come down to Welly for a few days sometime while you're home?