Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Billy the Bulimic Goat

Coco my cuz has gone back to Taipei for the summer holidays and I am babysitting her goat Billy Billson for her. He's a nice boy, got a bit of an attitude but is generally cute and adorable enough to get away with being a bastard. Watch him tell me to 'fuck off' in the videos.

Billy had a mate (probably same sex lover) called Brown who recently died. Billy got a bit inconsolable and stopped eating, wouldn't move, and lost a bit of weight and got a bit scruffy, we thought he was going to die too. But now it seems like he's completely picked up again and eating like mad, as you can see. I hope it lasts. His favourite food at the moment is banana peels, but everything, anything goes.

I trimmed his hooves the other day all by myself, thought I was quite clever really. You can say hello to some of the other bovine friends I've met in the past here and here.


Bakin Rapscallion said...

To digest is human, to eat is bovine.

What a charming rascal. Billy is too!

Bakin Rapscallion said...

Keep that swingin' Billy away from might have some explainin' to do.

WaWa said...

Billy has all the blessings in disguise - four stomachs and no penis.

WaWa said...

Billy has all the blessings in disguise - four stomachs and no penis.