Thursday, July 19, 2007

19 July 2007

oh shit... only two beroccas left...


Anonymous said...

can i get grumpy that you've never comment on my blog?

from drunk brenda.

WaWa said...

stay away from the demon drink my dear you are far too young!!

And no of course you can't! remember i asked you to send it to me in april and you never got round to it? yep.

but would love to link it to here with your permission. Everybody should absolutely know about the bucket fountain.

Anonymous said...

i think you're confused me with wikipedia :-P

blag =

WaWa said...

fuck... something went terribly wrong with my template when i was linking your blog to it. narrowly saved it from going caput but now ive lost all my links including my hit counter... er, do you know what to do??