Thursday, December 01, 2005

3 holes and $210 later...

I am (supposedly) immuned to Hepititis A, typhoid and to rusty stuff. OOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUCCCCHHHHHHHHH!!! I had this done this morning and I could not feel my entire arms (one jab in each, then one on the left butt cheek) for a whole day. Particularly admirable is that this is all on a hangover as well. Was told to steer clear from alcohol because that would clash with the tetnus shot. Then there's those malaria tablets I'll be on too. Bloody hell.

However, this would also mean that I will be pretty set up to go to Vietnam, Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. I will be spending some time in the rural areas, particularly in Cambodia where my project is (near Siem Reap). Dr Brazynsky (my polish patriarch doctor) tells me that I have to steer clear of animals, cos I didn't get enough time to get immunised for rabis.

Neither did I get a vaccine for the birdflu - didn't I hear that they started stock piling that stuff? Anyway I am WaWa afterall and it is very WaWa like to get away with being killed.

Gotta shine and polish this instrument I have to drag around for the rest of my life yah?

1 comment:

WaWa said...

Its 2pm the next day and I am still getting flash backs of the needle jabbing inside me. There must be a something-something-phobia word for this...