Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Pics from 2005

Some pics from the stuff that I've been doing this year...

1) Sailing in Pittwater, north of Sydney (March, May, July, September)
2) A short visit back home to NZ for Jeremy & Anna's wedding (May) (Mt Ruapehu, Me and the wedding party - J& A, Jeremy's bros Ben & Craig, me and Kathryn & Braedon)

3) Sailing on the Rainbow Warrior, down East Coast of Australia from Sydney to Melbourne, and through Bass Strait, a pretty rough stretch of water. (August)

4) Completing the Canberra Times Fun Run for the second time, I came about 1200th out of about 2000 people, but I did beat my personal best by about 3 minutes... 5) Going to the AusAID ball
6) Climbing "The Castle" overlooking Pidgeon House Mountain, New South Wales - I was a bit chuffed on the summit cos it was honestly the most physically challenging thing I've done all my life. (October)

6) Visiting my flatmate Peter's family farm near Melbourne. (November)

7) Walk Against Warming in Canberra, part of the global day of action against climate change (December)

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